Sunday, November 9, 2014

Planting Peach Trees

     Ever tried to plant a peach tree? There are multiple steps to take to ensure proper planting. 

     You have to think about your climate to determine what time of year to plant the tree, plant them at a certain depth, make sure they have just enough sunlight, but not too much, this and that and that and this. 

    Planting peach trees is a lot like parenting. A child - no matter how many you have be it one or 19 plus, is special in their own way and must be properly nurtured. 

     Since 2003, when I first learned I was pregnant with my daughter, I was determined as we all are at first to the BEST parent possible. I was going to do everything right and never make mistakes, to make sure that she was always happy. Ummmm. Somehow that didn't quite work out. Mistakes, tears, laughter, frustrations, three more kids and lots of years later, I'm not a perfect mom, but I feel like I'm a dang good one - most days.

    I've learned a lot in my parenting. To share some knowledge maybe will help y'all reading this feel a little more confident in your parenting skills. 

     I've learned that having a great partner who will support you through the laughter and the tears, the boo boos and the boogers, the muddy diapers and the fevers, the slamming doors, the one-more-hug-from-mommy (at least four times) before bedtime ----everything is made better by having someone that will laugh with you or hold you as you cry and tell you you're the greatest mom ever. That person, for me, is my husband, James. He works with me to raise these four amazing children and I absolutely could not do it without him. Your partner may be a friend, a sibling, a parent. Whoever it is, thank them for being there for you, even when the going gets tough and that little tree (child) is hard to get rooted (taught) and allowed to grow. 

     I've learned that although I do believe it is important to teach our children about our Creator, for my beliefs being Almighty God, it is not mandatory for them to see the inside of a church building every Sunday. Horrors! I live in the South and just uttered those words? Yes! Why? Because, although I believe in going to church and enjoy going when we do, our lessons to our children should not be only within the walls of a church building and only from 11 AM - 12 PM Sundays. Guidance on growth should be given every single minute of every single day. At home, on the way to school, in the grocery store, playing blocks, coloring - lessons can be given at any time. Sharing, compassion, respect, loyalty - all these are important to make our little trees grow. Turning the other cheek when someone wrongs us and mercy knows my children have witnessed my turning of the other cheek in life and the other and back and forth. I believe in God. I believe in church. The church is the body of Christ. The church can be experienced everywhere. So, when my children, hubby and I are all sick, we'll snuggle up at home and it won't make me a heathen mama. It will make me a mama who shows her children to love God - no matter where you are.

     I've learned that sometimes you're gonna feel like you'd be better off talking to a wall. A brick one at that. I can see you shaking your head in agreement. Now you're looking around, wondering how I can see you. Duh, I'm a Mom! I can see everything. :) This one decides to hit the other one and the one that was hit says in the loudest voice ever, "Don't hit me!" I sigh, knowing that the only reason they have increased the volume of their voice is to MAKE SURE to get the hitter in trouble. We can try to convince the trees to grow the direction we want them to, but they sometimes have a mind of their own and choose to try to go to the side instead of straight up....meaning...use everything as a lesson to teach them how to grow. The tree branches may get a little blemished along the way, but in the long run - the trees (siblings) will realize that they are each other's best friends. 

     I've learned that we can't protect our trees from everything. As much as we want to, our trees' leaves will be bitten and sun burned (problems will arise) and some of the peaches will have spots on them (obstacles in life). Our children will go through things that dang it, as hard as we try, we can't protect them from. Whether it is a angry bee, a hurtful word from a mean kid at school, life-changing events, someone close passing away, a best friend moving away, etc. We can't protect them from everything. The guidance we give them will prepare them to better handle these things, though.

     I've learned that at the end of the day, as you may have seen in my previous posts, a clean house IS important, but it's not THE most important thing. What's important is that we are sure we've watered our trees. That we've made sure they know they're loved and taken care of. There may be times you can write your name in the dust on our coffee table, but our children know, without a shadow of a doubt that we love them and we'll take care of them. Want to balance daily chores and spending time with your kids? Yep, it won't be done just as you want it. Yep, the towels will be folded a little less perfectly than you'd do them. But they will be spending time with you and they'll remember those times and reenact them with their own kids one day. 

       Yep, raising children is a lot like "raising" a tree. It may not go perfectly, but it doesn't mean it's not right. It doesn't mean you're not a great parent. In fact, don't let ANYONE make you feel that you're not a good parent. You know the group that had a name like's their name? (Just kidding, my siblings!! I know who they are!! My siblings are the biggest Beatles fans, ever. Had to mess with them.) "Can't Buy Me Love". Dang straight. Can't buy your kids' love, no matter how many trips you take, no matter how many clothes are hanging in their closest, the best electronics are on their desk, the shiniest car is in the driveway. Don't get me wrong...those are all GREAT. But, just remember that along with those things, give water (Praise and encouragement), give plenty of sunlight (Fun!! Laughter! Smiles!), give good soil for roots (Strong family connections and good friends), give room to grow. 

    You'll find that you have the most delightful peach trees in all the land. And the world will be an even better place as your children grow up because they will have the confidence from you that they can make a difference. 

    Happy Planting (Parenting)!!

Thanks for reading. 
