Saturday, July 4, 2015

Skip The Cake, Eat The Peach Frosting

     Happy 4th of July, my precious readers....wait, there are people reading this, right? For those who are taking a break from the fireworks, pull up your chair and a glass of nice, cold ice tea. We had coffee last time we chatted, but it's too dang hot for coffee tonight. And I gave up diet soda. One week off of it tomorrow! That's something. I was ADDicted. No kidding.

     Did you get your tea? Sitting down? Okay, here we go. So, have you ever had one of those days when NOTHING seemed to go right? I mean nothing. Your hair doesn't do what you want it to, your vacuum cleaner stops working, you drop your ice cream bowl, people get on your nerves, etc. I had a day like that today. Hey, I never said this blog would be all sugar and spice and everything nice all the time. I'm gonna' be real with you. So, I can sense y'all nodding your head that you've had such a day before. Boy, it's those kinds of days when I want to pull the covers over my head and wait it out till the next day. Our little minions wouldn't hear of it, though.

     Ever baked a cake and mixed and blended all the ingredients so perfectly? You even cleaned up as you went. Kitchen looks marvelous and cake's in the oven. Someone walks through the kitchen about mid-bake and says, "What's the oven?" As you run in what seems to be slow motion to keep them from opening the oven door and disturbing your baking masterpiece in the making, you are too late. They look, the drool and guessed it. They let the oven door slam shut. What does this do? Everyone say it with me..."Kills the cake". Oh yes. The cake you so carefully created has now sunk the middle due to the "noise" of the oven door slamming. All bakers know you're supposed to be quiet when you're baking a cake or something of the sort.

     Life is like that, isn't it? You get up and get ready for the day, making plans (getting your ingredients out). You rearrange your day for little hiccups that alter the "schedule" (cleaning up as you go) and then the day still seems to go South (cake dead). But then, like a superhero with his/her cape, you look over to the counter where you prepared your almost delicious cake and see the bowl of frosting looking back at you like a superstar. This, my dear readers, is the light at the end of the tunnel.

     You see, although my day today didn't go like I had planned it to go, sweet things happened that made my day brighter. I was able to talk to our two older kids that are in MS visiting some family - that equals at least 1/4 of the bowl of frosting. Then, our two little boys gave me kisses and shared lots of giggles with me today (a couple of more spoons of frosting). Texts and comments on social media from my family and friends, were just as sweet (scraped bowl clean). Days like today aren't what we ask for. Aren't what we hope for, but if we look over to the counter (special people and moments around us), we'll see the big bowl of peach frosting, just waiting for us to enjoy.

     So, when the plans for your day don't work out as you planned (cake dead again), skip the cake and eat the peach frosting. It'll help turn your day around.

     Thanks for reading.

Peace, love and peaches.

Karen E. Hall


Georgia Peach Buttercream Frosting

  • Yield: Makes 4 1/3 cups
  • 1 large fresh peach, peeled and chopped (about 8 oz.)
  • 3/4 cup butter, softened
  • 1 (32-oz.) package powdered sugar


1. Process peach in a blender or food processor until pureed. (Puree should measure about 1/2 cup.)
2. Beat butter at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy; gradually add powdered sugar alternately with pureed peach, beating until well blended after each addition.