Friday, December 2, 2016

#turnsomeonesfrownupsidedown #tistheseason

     Greetings, my sweet peaches! Let's pull up a chair and a cold glass of peach tea and talk for a few.  It's a topic I've touched on before.

     You know, not every day is going to be as sweet as a big bowl of warm peach cobbler, topped with two scoops of homemade vanilla ice cream. It's going to be a big bowl of soupy,  not-fully-cooked peach cobbler and ice cream that has gotten a bad case of freezer burn. What to do, what to do? Dump out the bad cobbler and ice cream and serve up a good bowl  of sweetness to someone else. (Wipe that bewildered look off your face now.)

     Lean in closer and LISTEN UP. If your day is going sour, figure out a way to make someone else's sweet. Send a friend or family member a text. Go old school and mail them a letter or card. Bake some cookies for someone. Make a casserole for someone that is sick. Do something to #turnsomeonesfrownupsidedown. #tistheseason. But, it doesn't just have to be during the holiday season. It can be an every day or every week thing. You'll be surprised that, when you do something to brighten someone else's day, you may just start to feel a smile taking over the frown that was on your face earlier. 

     Short and sweet and to the point today. 

     Talk to y'all soon!

Love, peace and peaches!
