Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ice Cream! Get Your Peach Ice Cream!

     Ice cream....One of my favorite treats for the Summertime, Wintertime, Falltime, Springtime- any time! So cool and sweet, so soothing. If your child has a scraped knee, ice cream- along with Mama's kisses and hugs (and a ointment and a Band-Aid) fixes it right up. Good grades - Let's celebrate with ice cream! Don't want to eat your veggies? Uh oh. No ice cream. Amazing how quickly veggies disappear from a child's plate when there is ice cream involved.

     Day to day, we are faced with challenges. Some challenges make us feel like we've had the wind knocked out of our sail. Some make us feel stronger, empowered. It's the people in our life...those who pray for us, those who send good thoughts, those who hug us at the right moment, that tell us they love us and that really mean it that make the challenges seem less....well, challenging. They sooth us, they comfort us and they make us realize that we can handle anything that comes our way. They are our ice cream.

     I have many flavors of ice cream in my life. I have Sweetheart Cherry ice cream in the form of my husband who knows something is wrong even if I try to say "nothing" in response to his question of "What's wrong". He holds me when I cry and kisses my tears away. He understands me because he makes the effort to do so. He loves me through whatever is going on and makes me feel strong enough to tackle anything. He once told me he wanted someone he could tackle the world with - we've found that in each other. To say I'm blessed to be his wife is an understatement. Honored? Definitely. He's my once-in-a-lifetime love. And my best friend. 

     I have another flavor called Hugs and Kisses in the form of two of my children, Laine and Riley. They always, always, always seem to know exactly the right moment when Mama needs a hug or kiss or both! They tell me I am the BEST at simple things such as fixing a bowl of cereal, painting toenails or coloring. Little do they realize that by saying I'm the "best" at anything gives me relief in knowing that I'm being the kind of mom they need and deserve- one that loves them on the good days and on the rougher days and that has taught them to be gracious for even the smallest things done for them. These two started my journey of mommyhood and wow what a journey it's been. I'm so proud of the people they have become and are becoming. 

     Another of my favorite flavors is Happy-Go-Lucky in the form of Taylor, our precious 1-yr-old. That baby very seldom has anything other than a smile on his face. In fact, Daddy or Laine can smile at him with a big smile and he smiles right back at them so big that his eyes squint because he is smiling so big. When I pick him up from his crib, he pats me on the back and hugs me. He loves and is is so happy and that is thanks to Daddy, Laine and Riley and his G-Daddy, Nana and Auntie M. Strangers fall in love with him when we're at the store. His smile is contagious. His personality develops more every day and we all love to watch.

     Yet another flavor is June Bug Baby in the form of our soon-to-be-here Alex. Each kick, each crazy movement of my stomach and case of heartburn reminds me that God saw fit to give us another sweet blessing. Daddy, Laine and Riley all love to feel Baby Alex kick and we can't wait to meet him...only two months away from today via c-section!!

    One of my all-time favorite flavors is Love Forever in the form of my family and friends. My family has been the lifeline that kept me going my entire life. They were there for me during the good times and the bad times and I will never, ever be able to begin to tell them how important they are to me and how grateful I am for their unwavering support. And the old adage that parents get wiser as you get older? TRUE TRUE TRUE!! I have a few friends that have been the same way. Friends that have been friends since high school that I can rant to, cry to, whatever I need...they are there. 

     I'm so thankful for my ice cream flavors. What are your favorite flavors?

     Please enjoy a recipe for Summertime Peach Ice Cream below from

Summertime Peach Ice Cream

Take advantage fresh peaches and make our five-star homemade peach ice-cream to cool off this summer.
Southern Living JULY 2002
  • Yield: Makes 2 quarts


  • 4 cups peeled, diced fresh peaches (about 8 small ripe peaches)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 (12-ounce) can evaporated milk
  • 1 (3.75-ounce) package vanilla instant pudding mix
  • 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 4 cups half-and-half


Combine peaches and sugar, and let stand 1 hour.
Process peach mixture in a food processor until smooth, stopping to scrape down sides.
Stir together evaporated milk and pudding mix in a large bowl; stir in peach puree, condensed milk, and half-and-half.
Pour mixture into freezer container of a 4-quart hand-turned or electric freezer; freeze according to manufacturer's instructions. Spoon into an airtight container, and freeze until firm.

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