Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Freezing Peaches

     Our sweet Laine started 4th grade last month, cutie pie Riley started Pre-K, Alex turned 3 months old and Taylor 17 months. I love watching them morph into these amazing people, but at the same time, I wish I could freeze my little peaches and make them stay these ages for a little longer.

     So many times, we face speed bumps in life. We have a hurried, busy schedule. We have stress from work or school. We have to-lists longer than our kids' Christmas wish lists (and ya KNOW that means looooong). We get so busy with plans for the future or worrying about things from the past that we forget to concentrate on the now.

     I wouldn't mind fast forwarding through the laundry and housework and my to-do list, but I want to freeze my time with my husband, children and family and friends. Those are the things that are important in life.

     The times that I find my husband looking at me and he tells me he loves me, the times he comes to sit beside me and watches one of our favorite TV shows or a movie, the times he catches me in a strong embrace as I'm scurrying around taking care of our children.

     The times Laine wants to tell me about her day or wants to share something with me that makes her giggle, the times she wants to play with my hair because she loves how soft it feels to her, the times she gives me a hug or kiss for no reason. The times that Riley wants to hold my hand as I walk them up our driveway to catch the morning school bus, the times he chooses to sit right next me on the couch just to snuggle with me, the times he wants to show me how he's advanced in a game on his tablet or when he does something great and wants to know if I'm proud of him. The times Taylor puckers up to give me kisses or stops playing just to come sit in my lap or hug me, the times he play sneezes or coughs - just to make me laugh, the times he waves and says "hey" or winks. The times Alex smiles from ear to ear just at the sound of our voice, the times he cries for something because it means he depends on me.

     The times my family or friends call, text, email or message me on social media just to let me know they were thinking of me or to share something with me. The times I walk outside to see our beautiful surroundings - the trees, the bunnies hopping to the woods, the frog that makes Laine scream as it jumps too close to her in the driveway, the chickens - yes chickens- that come up to the front door and make Riley and Taylor laugh, every time I take a breath - every single reminder of how precious life is. These are the peaches or times I'd like to freeze. I'd love to make each memory last just a little longer. I put my peaches (memories) in my freezer (heart and mind) and enjoy them over and over again.

     One day, when we are just a memory to others, do you think they'll remember how many loads of laundry we did or how clean our bathrooms were? Do you think they'll remember how many times we did the dishes directly after the dinner table was cleared? Do you think they'll remember how rough of a school day or work day we had? No. They'll remember the frozen peaches. They'll remember who you were and how you made them feel important. They'll remember how you loved them and cherished your time with them.

     Believe me, I understand that we all need clean clothes to wear and clean dishes to eat on and jobs are necessary to pay bills, etc. I'm saying to make time to enjoy the peaches. Enjoy the special moments. Make memories. Don't get so preoccupied with all the other freezer items that you allow your peaches (memories) to get freezer burn (neglected, forgotten about).

    I'm going to go freeze some peaches (spend time with my husband. He's feeding our baby baby boy right now...such a good daddy.). Here's a recipe for ya below.

Thanks for reading,



Freezing Peaches

By pammyowl on July 30, 2012
Photo by katew
1 Reviews
  • timer
  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 15 mins
  • Yield: 1 quart

About This Recipe

"A good way to freeze instead of can your peaches.From the Ball company."


    • 2/3 cup sugar
    • 2 teaspoons fruit fresh
    • 1 quart peach, peeled and sliced


  1. Mix the sugar and fruit fresh together. Gently toss the peaches until coated. Let sit for ten minutes to let the juices develop. Pack in quart freezer bags. Store in freezer for up to a year.

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